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Mr. Men Pinball by kuvasz

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Type: Other
Size: 920 x 512, 58KB

WSC file: Download

Tags: ghost, knocking, rope, invisible


 9.50 (2)
 9.00 (1)

This Mr. Men Pinball themed map is for the Ghost Knocking scheme. Originally it started out as a shopper in response to people complaining about Toyland being too big and open, but about halfway through I decided to go with the less known game mode due to its size and to promote something other than shopping.

Unfortunately there is an unprecedented amount of banding due to the amount of widely differing colours. Dithering was not an option, so I left it there - it still looks nice when not directly looked at :D

- 64 colours
- top cavern type
- Forest background

Programs used:
- Firefox with Mr. Men Pinball
- Adobe Photoshop CS3

Misc. Map recommendations:
- maximum number of worms is 18
- use my altered scheme for a more challenging game

Enjoy :)

ps Doben, I didn't check the replay after all :<

Added on: 8th September 2009, 19:46
Downloads: 501

Comments: 7 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.

Worth: 7 EXP

Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Themed. (complain/suggest)