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Target Globe BnG by Apocalypse

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Type: Rubber BnG
Size: 1920 x 4176, 48KB
WSC file:

Tags: Globe, BnG, Globe BnG

The third of my three Globe BnG maps - it's well-proportioned and has multiple layers, having been designed specifically for World Party mode. It works equally well for a "customizable" BnG game.
It can be played with an ordinary BnG scheme with the Rubberworm Black Hole setting activated or, alternatively, with the scheme provided. World Party is a slightly different game, as god mode and SDET are both active - the objective is to destroy enough of the globe ("planet") to knock worms into the black hole area. The game is still slightly flawed with the still-present bug of the black hole glitch.
Added on: 11th September 2009, 23:19
Downloads: 184
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Worth: 2 EXP
Features: Not-so-good graphics. (complain/suggest)