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Boom for Weapons (Race) by FoxHound

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Type: Other Rubber
Size: 2784 x 696, 56KB
WSC file:

Tags: RubberWorm, WfW, Anti Sink, BfW, Surf, AntiSink

Play with the scheme above.
BfW is a mode that I created. You cannot walk! It is a mixture of Walk for Weapons with Boom Race! A race that you must use the weapons that you are touching! Read the full article about this scheme here.
Anti Sink, Glue, Multishot, fdpt and ldet are ON.
Game manual
The set of rules marked with an * is a suggestion for competitions.
Mandatory rules
STF (Start to Finish)* - Players must place their worm at the start and reach the finish.
Use the pictured weapon/tool you are standing on* - Players must use the weapon represented by the picture their active worm is standing on. When the worm is between two weapon sprites, the player will be able to choose one of the weapons to advance the race.
Weapons can be used until their end even at different weapon sprites* - This rule is to clarify and avoid confusion especially for the Shotgun's second shot, the Jet Pack's fuel, the Blowtorch "walk", etc. A weapon can be used until its end, even if the worm touches a different weapon sprite than the weapon it is currently using. This means you don't need to waste the second shot of the shotgun in the air, you can use the shot to progress at a different weapon sprite, being sometimes useful to skip a bad weapon sprite or to position the worm better. This also means you don't need to cancel the Jet Pack with space bar if you touch a different weapon sprite (you can actually use the terrain to save fuel). The same goes for the Blowtorch: you don't have to cancel Blowtorch if you touch a different weapon sprite while "walking" with it, unless you want to (because it looks more advantageous).
Optional rules
Save State* - As if the game were being played on an emulator, players can use the "Save State" feature if they fall into a place that they have already passed, teleporting or moving back to the most advanced part they have been to.
~> Freely - Players are allowed use "Save State" whenever they want.
~> Situational - Players may use "Sava State" only if they fall into a very distant place. Usually players should reach an agreement, since this is subjective. The player in this setback situation should request the use of "Save State".
~> After a Number of Turns* - Players may use "Save State" only if they don't reach where they were in a stablished number of turns. Suggestion: maybe after 2 or 3 turns? The player in this setback situation should request the use of "Save State".
~> Limited number of times - Players are allowed to use "Save State" only 1, 2 or 3 times per match.
Position Adjustment* - Players are allowed to adjust the position of a worm a few pixels with the Jet Pack or other weapon (keeping the worm on the same sprite, without moving to a different weapon) if it is very bad positioned and (pratically) stuck at a weapon sprite area (usually at its edge).
~> Freely - Players are allowed to use "Position Adjustment" whenever they want.
~> After One Turn* - Players are allowed to use "Position Adjustment" only if they get stuck for one whole turn at the same weapon sprite spot. The player in this setback situation should request the use of "Position Adjustment".
~> Limited number of times - Players are allowed to use "Position Adjustment" only 1, 2 or 3 times per match.
The first player to blast his/her own worm using the determined weapons on the map and reach the finish will be the winner.
Special thanks to sbs for all the maps and the support for this scheme all these years. I also apreciate DanielXdx, xyz and nelson-01 map contributions for this scheme.
Added on: 6th October 2009, 03:41
Downloads: 336
Comments: 3 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.
Worth: 4 EXP
Features: Not-so-good graphics, Original. (complain/suggest)