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Fruity by kuvasz

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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 2000 x 960, 147KB

Tags: flower, floral pattern, colour, wall, pod



Fruity in every sense of the word. My first non-sprite based map introduces a twist: the wall you must touch can vary from round to round and also from the choices you make.

- the heart colour of the pod(s) you pick up the last crate from determines the colour of the wall(s) to touch
- if crate is picked up from where two pods join then both walls have to be touched
- after having attacked you can loot crates without needing to touch a wall

Use common sense to determine the pod which the crate belongs to, that is, if it lands on a ledge or wall then colour is decided by which colour pod the ledge or wall extends from.

- 64 colours
- Fruit background
- island type
- texture used can be found here (no longer available)


- a lot of the places offer both a good hide and an attacking opportunity, especially for animate weapons
- consider the distance you will have to rope from the wall to attack and plan the order of how you pick up crates to optimise your round

Programs used:
- Adobe Photoshop CS3

Enjoy :)

Added on: 26th October 2009, 19:35
Downloads: 427

Comments: 4 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 7 EXP

Features: Elaborate, Original. (complain/suggest)