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Hydrocity Zone Act 1 by kuvasz

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Type: Fly Shopper
Size: 2120 x 800, 76KB
Tags: water, brick, sonic, hedgehog

Hydrocity Zone depicts the level with the same name from Sonic 3 with a few changes for aesthetics. These were my aims during creation:
1) be able to rope the whole map without always needing a fly to change sides
2) be able to rope in the "fly zone"
3) have greatly varied sides
4) allow for different flies
Of course the central object that you have to fly over is the checkpoint pole. Well it's more of a dive actually ;>
Don't trust the spheres.
- 80 colours
- Jungle background
- island type
Programs used:
- Gens with Sonic 3 ROM
- Adobe Photoshop CS3
Enjoy, and be sure to check out Act 2 :)
Added on: 30th October 2009, 20:28
Downloads: 1378
Comments: 10 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.
Worth: 9 EXP
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites. (complain/suggest)