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CheetahCastleRaid 2 by Cheetah

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Type: Capture the Flag
Size: 7000 x 2000, 311KB
WSC file:

Tags: Cheetah, Castle, Raid, BnG, Zook, CTF

This map is a modification of the Capture The Flag scheme. Instead of two equal teams, there is one player defending the castle and all the other teams are trying to grab the gold held inside. In effect this is a 1 Vs N map and thus requires the special scheme which I have included with the map.
Like CTF this is a team game and provides one of the rawest teamwork challenges in worms. You can have all the crazy bng or rope skills you want, but you'll fail unless you work as a tight team. Having the best BnG player on the castle defending team is a MUST, so choose someone with mad skillz like me.
The raiders all have 1 worm on their teams, the defender has as many worms as there are attacking teams.
Details on how to set the game up correctly can be found here.
Added on: 2nd November 2009, 22:57
Downloads: 717
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Original, Themed. (complain/suggest)