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CheetahHellfire by Cheetah

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Type: Tower Race
Size: 6000 x 14000, 1570KB
Tags: Cheetah, Tower, Hell, Hellfire, Dragon

Difficulty as voted by players: 6/10 "Difficult"
This map uses the black velvet art style, but I kept the graphics purposely cartoony as much as possible to blend in with my other maps. This map can be savage at times and really relies on good all round technical roping skills rather than using the lame autoroper that many players have. This map is savage if you play a water rising scheme and I highly recommend you set the sudden death timer to at least 8 minutes if you want a huge challenge. (It has been done with 4 players with the water lapping at our heels...)
I will upload more of the maps from the CheetahMegaMapPackV2 later on.
Added on: 2nd November 2009, 23:02
Downloads: 5378
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Elaborate. (complain/suggest)