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Blackwood GP by HHC

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Type: Jet Pack Race
Size: 2800 x 1280, 542KB
WSC file:

Tags: Race, JPGP, Track

One of the tracks of the game 'Live for Speed'.
Rules of JPGP:
- All worms start at the Start (& Finish)-line, 1 worm for each team.
- Select Jetpack, drop mine and use the retreat time (and ONLY the retreat time) to race through the level.
- On the starting turn, worms must start from behind the starting line (worms moved by opponent mines may return to their rightful place).
- During the next turns, no movement is allowed in regular time, even if the worm has been blown backwards by any mines.
- You can fly any set number of laps (3-5 will do).
- Each team has an equal amount of turns to finish, the worm who gets furthest after reaching the finish line wins the match.
- There are multiple ways to use this map. The host determines which route to take, alternative routes are NOT allowed.
Use the appropriate scheme, hereby included.
These things can get very close, or not close at all. A good run can put you way ahead of a noob run.
Added on: 20th November 2009, 16:03
Downloads: 543
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Original. (complain/suggest)