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re-actor by doben
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Type: Shopper
Size: 1920 x 696, 95KB
Tags: innovate, bit, remake, reactor, lord, kubi
8.60 (5)
8.00 (5)
7.00 (5)
Description:8.00 (5)
7.00 (5)
Reactor Reactivation! This is the colour adaptation of Lord Kubi's *bit map "ReactorShoppaV3", one of the maps my friends and I learnt using the ninja rope with in a (more or less) proper way -- back in the days.
The map is open enough for newbies to get used to the scenery after a short time and challenging enough for the better players to pull off some nice attacks. I chose this map because of its unusal layout and to bear that classic in remembrance. I hope you enjoy the modern touch ;)
Details: 96 colours, patterned dithering, jungle background
Updated on: 23rd March 2017, removed outdated iX URL, added wmdb ID
Added on: 25th November 2009, 05:50
Downloads: 20576
Comments: 22 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 15 users.
ASCiiDiTY, Baldoro, chakkman, floflo, Impossible, Juanca, Lei, luarebr, MEDVEDxEvilPunk, neetch, piroman11, Scrambled, sheldon, svin, YASHA
Worth: 7 EXP
Features: Remix, Elaborate, Good graphics, Open. (complain/suggest)