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The King by Rodrigo

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No RopeKnocking. NRK.
Minimum 2 worms.
If you have a worm in the crown (on this map K,) do not use more than the rope and the parachute. KING
When the crown is not yours and you get to it, strip the king and will be yours. OUT.
When you have a single worm, and you're king, you can leave the crown following a king. But that funsiona if you have more than a worm. If they take the crown when you are not will lose. ONE.

Added on: 30th November 2009, 03:29
Downloads: 178

Comments: 0 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.

Worth: 4 EXP

Features: Clumsy, Original. (complain/suggest)