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CheetahDesertBoomRace by Cheetah

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Type: Boom Race
Size: 18000 x 2000, 678KB
WSC file:

Tags: Cheetah, Desert, Boom Race, Dune, Cake

Difficulty as voted by players: 3/10 "Fair"
Desert themed boom race, has sand worms so I guess it's inspired just a wee bit by that Dune 2 game, but wasn't really intentional. This map will really test your Holy, Magic Bullet and Ming Vase launching skills. It's recommended to host this using the official Cheetah Boom Race scheme. (Get rid of the banana bomb if you want to make the map harder)
Pro users of Holies and Magic Bullet will find they can build up a fast and satisfying lead on less skilled opponents.
Added on: 30th November 2009, 18:54
Downloads: 695
Comments: 7 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Original, Open. (complain/suggest)