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Memory Usage Mole Shopper by Balee, Deadcode, ShootMe

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Type: Mole Shopper
Size: 6720 x 2432, 154KB

Tags: memory, usage, prompt, trick, mole, shopper


 10.00 (1)
 10.00 (1)
 10.00 (1)

You had "Please wait..." Mole Shopper, but you definitely didn't have this!

Obviously, the text on the map is the same text you get when loading the map.

Can be used for both Mole Shoppers, and RubberWorm Mole Shoppers. If you don't dislike the idea of playing on a freakin' huge map, that is!

There are 48 pre-generated holes saved with the map.

Added on: 18th January 2010, 11:29
Downloads: 1829

Comments: 6 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: Themed. (complain/suggest)