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Jetpacker 1 by Taz
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Type: Other
Size: 1920 x 696, 334KB
WSC file: Download
Tags: Jetpacker, packer, JPR, JPRoper, roper, pSc, taz
Im glad to bring this lovely scheme for everyone to play :) i know many ppl maybe have thot this, even made maps for this? tho it`s now been published so that ppl would start make more maps for it and we would get more players for the scheme.
The main idea is similar as in Roper but you just have to use Jetpack for everything:
CBA (crate before attack), KTL (Kill the leader), AFJ (Attack from Jetpack) and when SD starts fly the SD tunnel (over or under w/e) cus you get no cr8s when SD :) if you are too good with jp, do a circle in SD tunnel ;)
Maybe on 1st turn when you can only use zook, you should not hide too evil? think about it
Don`t block other worms, if you do so, take your cr8 and skip the
turn without blocking again.
DonĀ“t block SD tunnel completely! maybe even hiding in there would be worth of a cow?
and don`t block any tunnels which may be blockable :P
Added on: 28th January 2010, 17:38
Downloads: 260
Comments: 13 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)