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RopeShopper 2 by raffie

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Type: Other Rubber
Size: 6144 x 1728, 597KB

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Game idea: RopeShopper is different from normal shopper in many ways, but the main thing from a tactical POV is the fact that you start with only 2 ropes, and if you want to keep roping around, have to search for ropes in crates. Or be doomed to the floor :) Batty is an essential part of the game since it enables you to save your rope between turns. The only rule in this game is CBA, but in a map littered with crate this shouldn't be so hard. (no KTL or AFR in this game ever)

Features: /batty and wkRubberWorm are required to make this game work.
Following rubberworm features are enabled: sdet fdpt craterate(20) cratelimit(150) (scheme with these settings provided)
The map is bordered & destructable.

Tips to make you good at RopeShopper:
- While you still have ropes, get a cratespy and teleport as soon as you can, this will make sure you're not totally helpless when you do fall without ropes, infact as soon as a rope crate appears on the map, you will see it and simply teleport to the crate, then go on roping as usual.
- Use animals to cratewhore for you while you go on about the important things; destruction.
- Get a good hide for your batty worm and remember there's no retreat time when multishot is enabled!

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Added on: 7th February 2010, 01:29
Downloads: 307

Comments: 9 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Good graphics. (complain/suggest)

Online People:

BigBilly, theOve