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w4w 03 by Rodent by Rodent

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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 1920 x 696, 298KB

Tags: wxw, w4w, Rodent, shopper, shoppa, wall


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This is one tight wall to wall. By layout it looks probably more like shopper map then a wall to wall map, but after you rope few minutes you will use to layout, and I hope enjoy in my new map.
This map is made for standard wxw scheme, and can be done in less then 30s after you get used to layout. If you are rr-er this map wont be a problem at all.
Idea took the smallest amount of time. Most time I spent with graphics. This is first map for witch I designed texture and all objects that are included in graphics. Texture is not too complicated but it's because I wanted from it to be a simple brick texture. Image behind bricks is photo of nature taken from the top of one old castle in middle Serbia called Maglich.

Enjoy :D

Did the change... Now there is not possible to stuck in the passage in the bottom left corner because there isn't possibility of entering there.
That is dedicated to zore who somehow always stuck there, and to BladeRunner who does the same thing even more often :D

Added on: 30th March 2010, 20:32
Downloads: 4632

Comments: 18 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Elaborate. (complain/suggest)