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Wormlympic by Rollo

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Type: Other
Size: 6000 x 2000, 785KB

Tags: mini games, sprites, bungee, rope, bows and arrows


 9.00 (2)
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 9.00 (1)

Wormlympic is a mini games based map.

The map is designed to receive until 6 players. It's themed with worms olympiad sprites and textures. It include 14 mini games inspired directly by traditional worms games (boom race, sheep race, bows and arrows, jetpack race, rope race, bungee race or grenade golf) :
1. archery
2. flying sheep
3. tunnel roping
4. rope sprint
5. bungee fly
6. double mexi
7. mine baseball
8. reverse roping
9. grenade golf
10. jetpack race
11. boom fly
12. holy golf
13. rope fly
14. marathorms

Rules :
- Use the Wormlympic scheme file.
- Start playing at game 1
- Each mini game have its own rules, read them directly on the map and respect them
- When you succeed a mini game or when you have used all your dedicated weapons for this mini game, go to the next one
- no batty or ts
- 1 worm by player (add 1 more if you're afraid to plop)

Difficulty : Intermediate to advanced. By default, you have 15sec by turn, add more time if you're a beginner / intermediate player. All mini games were tested and are doable.

Variant and other:
- Modify the scheme to infinite weapons and you have to succeed a mini game to reach the next one.
- Play the map as a little rope race without cuting
- 3 subsidiary for fun questions are present above the end for players who are waiting the others.

Credits : Map made with The Gimp and Paint. It use free textures from around the web, some sprites from or reworked from ESR. Here a RVB image with numerous sprites have used, feel free to use them: wormlympicsprites.png (at

All comments are welcome.

Added on: 3rd June 2010, 15:27
Downloads: 374

Comments: 19 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 5 users.

Features: Elaborate, Original, Themed, Sprites. (complain/suggest)