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X920 - Inversion W4W by X920MikeyB

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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 1536 x 752, 139KB

Tags: w4w x920 mikeyb inversion pod


 6.00 (1)
 5.00 (1)

Hey hey peeps! - It's been a while since I've actually made and FINISHED a map lol!

I really do get sidetracked too often, I take too many breaks and get bored easily from worms too. However this map kind of just came to me the other day so decided to see how it turned out.

Had to make a few adjustments, including a complete new re-texture after editing the frame!

After 3 days, few hours a day... I bring you...


It can be classed as a pod wxw I guess, but it's very nice, smooth and even speed ropable should you be able to tame and master the dots! :)

Warning: Not for the light hearted or somewhat slow or unskilled... Even I need to play it more to master it lol :P not liking spongebob's underwater parties anymore! :(

GL & HF!


Added on: 18th June 2010, 14:54
Downloads: 374

Comments: 7 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Good graphics. (complain/suggest)