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The W-Day by D_Wormkiller

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Type: Shopper
Size: 1920 x 968, 54KB
Tags: Shoppa Shopper D_Wormkiller

This is my second creation and I hope you'll appreciate it. It is more complex than my first map and I tried to be more original as I could. The scenario takes place in an hypothetic WW2, fought by Worms. Two forces are facing each other and one of that has lost its leader. Who will be winner? Will you get victory being careful of enemy fire?
There are also two plop holes, small but there are.
The graphics are the same as first map
(I'm not so proud about it eheh)
PS: Constructive comments to improve this map are always well accepted.
Added on: 20th June 2010, 17:39
Downloads: 830
Comments: 5 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)