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2010_FlySurf-Fischy by DENnis

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Type: Surf Shopper
Size: 1920 x 696, 44KB

Tags: DEN, flysurfshopper, colorful, fish, repair, nice


 10.00 (1)
 10.00 (1)
 10.00 (1)

Hey Fly and Surf friends,

this Fly-Surf-Shopper is an improved version (remix) of this1: #4504.

Worms Armageddon says "Error opening mapfile" if you try to load that old Fishy FlySurf.PNG so I was so neat to repair it.

Also I added the colors, created a lot of nice hides, improved the layout and added a lot of details.

Like all my maps I created (repaired and overworked in this case) and tested extensive and with a lot of effort.

Flyshopper is working very nice on this map and there are again a lot of ways to fly or doing stunts like mexis.

As add-on you can play Surfshopper or Fly-Surf-Shopper here, too - Just type /ts if you are hosting the game to activate Teststuff.

Okay and now the most important thing:

Have Fun!

Best regards


Added on: 2nd July 2010, 02:49
Downloads: 4390

Comments: 8 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)