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TPI Mystic Tower 2010 - SOME PIXELS REMOVED by DonMega, TimX, Pchy, Aum

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Type: Tower Race
Size: 3000 x 20000, 3263KB
WSC file:

Tags: tower race, rope race, roperace, bigrr, big rr

Just a simple edit for everyone who'd rather have less pixels bugging them. I removed the pixels from 2 different "beware of fucking pixels" areas. First pixel climb and the pit under the dot climb are intact as I felt these locations were well made. Map playability for the rest of the map is not changed.
Thanks goes to the original authors TimX, Pchy and Aum for this great map!
Original map link: #14420
Added on: 21st August 2010, 21:31
Downloads: 2887
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Remix. (complain/suggest)