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cross roads 2 by scarface011606

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Type: Rope Race
Size: 10000 x 10000, 788KB
Tags: cross roads 2, scarface, big

file size 800kbs
It's the sequel to crossroads, thats why theres a 2 duh......
Again the two paths converge towards the top of the race, theres no plops so IMO only one worm is needed; however, to get to the finish you gotta surf dude- which can be ploppy (may want an extra worm/tele).......If there is a worm already about to surf....Id wait for him to go before dropping down, if you drop down anyways, its more then likely that his nana will inadvertently plop you, so be careful.
In light of this knowledge, you probably want to leave nana power ON so you can get to the finish, lol, hF & gL......
***my fault btw; was a tad lazy, didn't add a few text phrases- for example: at the very top was going to write spppeeed up mofo or at the start of surfs: surf to the finish; as well as no arrows, so try not to get lost***
Added on: 7th September 2010, 21:22
Downloads: 1360
Comments: 12 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)