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The Thc's head (Big-RR) by Thc

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Type: Rope Race
Size: 6000 x 6000, 993KB
Tags: Big, rope, race, roperace, worms, Thc

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my first big rope-race
"The THC's head" it took four days to do this .. and I used a little of both,
Fireworks CS3, Paint Shop Pro 9 and Paint (the best ever to refine the map in my opinion) I hope I have fixx all or at least most of the problems in short, everything should be OK! Have fun .... I hope o.o
*add new fixx:
-the ghost wall for drop to finish is there now!
-all "hear" in the map now are "here" =D
-Adding the word finish
signore e signori, vi presento la mia prima big rope-race
"The Thc's head" ci sono voluti 4 giorni per fare questa..e ho usato un po di tutto,
fireworks cs3 paint shop pro 9 e paint(il migliore in assoluto per refinire la mappa a mio parere) spero di aver fixx tutti o almeno la gran parte dei problemi insomma dovrebbe essere tutto OK! Divertitevi....spero o.o
Added on: 27th September 2010, 21:07
Downloads: 254
Comments: 5 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 2 EXP
Features: Not-so-good graphics. (complain/suggest)