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2010_RoGo by DENnis

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Type: Golf
Size: 6440 x 2336, 141KB

WSC file: Download

Tags: RopeGolf, skill, fun, DENnis


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Hey WA - Peeps,

RoGo is a fun game where you can play 'RopeGolf (new)' and Golf, too.

I'm quite nooby at this, but I like challenges, so I added not only easy 'holes' .. There are very difficult ones, too, so pls dont get pissed too fast, just skip after 5 tries (I know thats hard).

There are 18 holes and a lot of ways to play on my RoGo map. You can do nice freestyling there, too.

I also created and optimized a special scheme for the original RoGo-game-play.

I suggest not to play the whole map at one time, because she's very big and you'll need a lot of hours to play all challenges XD.

Thank you very much to all the betatesters, especially 'Tatsache' for supporting my crazy idea from the beginning.

By the way: I made her (RoGo) ropeable and you should try to rope and freestyle around, that's a lot of fun, too. I tested many schemes here, so my RoGo map is working in a lot of ways, not only for Golf and RopeGolf.

Have FUN!

Best Regards


Added on: 30th October 2010, 14:37
Downloads: 462

Comments: 9 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Original. (complain/suggest)