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Cyan-Cilinder Next-Gen Utopia by BlazeNext-Gen

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Type: Other
Size: 1920 x 1200, 443KB
Tags: cyan, utopia, worms, revolution, next-gen, crispy
Take a deep breath and sniff from the atmosphere of this utopia, where nothing matters but calmness and euphoric happiness. Instead of the monotous playing-mode, I came up with a brand new idea, instead of these low-quality maps which I had submitted before, I am trying to tread in and make a real and officially original organized next-gen map. Tried to change my shamefully awful style, throughout the months of nickname-changes, and finally I made it. It can be made possible to sweep underneath the crystallic-water basements and the ice-candy tunnels of the utopia. Woah! Splash! Splash in the distance! Armageddon has come in the face of painted asteroid bombs, and swoosh, the Pacific Ocean floods everything, you are not in safety anymore unless you are underneath the surface. Surf, ace, you ace surfer, surf, with painted fruit bombs.
Style: Next-gen, Metalic Crystal, sci-fi
Features: buildings free-roaming, sea, walking-inside-tunnels
Suitable schemes: Intermediate, strategic, darkside and such, maybe stands its' place as a mole shopper if played from the top, worms positioned on the upper line, launching the mole downwards.
Added on: 15th November 2010, 22:25
Downloads: 78
Comments: 12 (read/write)
Worth: 0 EXP
Features: Private. (complain/suggest)