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Quantum Kaos by Cueshark, Eldy
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Type: Other Rubber
Size: 2568 x 1440, 415KB
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Tags: kaos normal
I'm not sure how many people actually play Kaos normal. I do and I love it. I recommend every one who hasn't played it to give it a go.
Kaos normal is a bit like playing intermediate. A normal death match with no rules.
So how is playing Kaos different to playing a normal game of worms?
1) Shooting will not end your turn.
Normally in worms your go will end as soon as you fire a single weapon. But in Kaos you could throw a grenade, then use a teleport, then fly an aqua sheep to collect a x2 damage and then throw a banana bomb. Use as many weapons as you want in a single turn and create major chaos.
2) Damage will not end your turn.
It doesn't matter if you get hurt. You can carry on with your turn. The only things which will end your go are running out of health, or plopping yourself. You can walk through fire, drop from a great height. Even use a weapon to blow your worm to other places on the map. As long as you don't run out of energy you will be fine :)
3) Many crates fall each turn.
Normally only 1 crate will fall per turn. With Kaos normal, crates fall all over the map every go. It's quite hard to describe the feeling of seeing 10 crates in a line ready for you to collect on your turn. These include health crates, utilities and super weapons!
How can I play Kaos normal?
Ok so you've got the latest 0.31 version of worms.
1) You will need wormkit.
Follow this link and install Wormkit.
2) You will need the latest Rubberworm module.
Direct link. Just drop it into your worms armageddon folder.
Now all you will need to do is run wormkit and you will be able to enjoy Kaos normal with this dedicated kaos map!
Enjoy :<
Added on: 29th November 2010, 02:00
Downloads: 432
Comments: 7 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)