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CoMaNdO wOrMs - Marvel Super Horois by BaNdIT

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Type: Mole Shopper
Size: 2840 x 1392, 1095KB

Tags: CoMaNdO wOrMs, Marvel Super Horóis, Spider Man



Um mapa dificel de fazer e que fiz com cuidado de que se possa jogar até 4 times com 8 worms cada é um mapa grande mais fiz assim para sair do padrão do comum espero que gostem <<<GL $ HF>>> `Cw-ReNaToSL-pH

A map hard to do and have done with caution that we can play up to eight teams with four worms each map is a big plus I did so out of standard common hope you like <<<GL HF> $>> `Cw- ReNaToSL-pH

Added on: 4th December 2010, 04:25
Downloads: 173

Comments: 0 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 2 EXP

Features: Unimaginative, Themed. (complain/suggest)