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The Variety Challenge!!!! by Cueshark
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Type: Other Rubber
Size: 15768 x 696, 107KB
WSC file: Download
Tags: indimask, rubberworm
Welcome to the Variety Challenge!!!
(See below for instructions on how to play this scheme)
Start at the first stage which is a BnG challenge and proceed through the map trying to get to the end in the fastest time.
This is a mixture of different games and challenges made possible by the fantastic Indimask module.
You will need BnG skills, Roper skills, Rope race skills, shot gun and longbow accuracy. Cows, air strikes and super sheep.
My best time is 12 minutes. See if you guys can beat it!
Cue :<
*edit* There's now a TuS challenge to compete against other wormers for the best time. Have fun :<
How to Play the Variety Challenge
Ok, so you've got the latest 0.31 version of worms.
1) You will need wormkit.
Follow this link and to the download button on the left and install Wormkit into your Worms Armageddon folder.
2) You will need the latest Rubberworm module.
Direct link:
Just drop it into your worms armageddon folder.
3) Then you will need the latest IndiMask module.
Extract that into your worms armageddon folder.
Now all you will need to do is run wormkit and you will be able to load the map and scheme with no problem.
Added on: 23rd December 2010, 23:41
Downloads: 330
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Original. (complain/suggest)