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LeTotalKiller's Plop War map #1 by LeTotalKiller

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Type: Plop War
Size: 1920 x 696, 69KB
Tags: craters, gimp, non-dithered map

Here is my first Plop War map. I wanted to make a break after Board Game maps, but the next map is a Board Game map (#16790).
So this map isn't really original (I'll be surprised if it is featured "Original").
There are no sprites in this map, because Plop War maps don't really have sprites. The goal of Plop War is not to destroy all the sprites, or to look at them all the game, but to plop others.
It uses the Gimp craters' colours. By the way, even if this map looks like a MS Painted-map, I drew it with The Gimp 2.6 only.
Added on: 26th January 2011, 13:33
Downloads: 185
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Worth: 1 EXP
Features: Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative. (complain/suggest)