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SSR glitch (Rubberworm, Indimask) by SiD
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Type: Super Sheep Race
Size: 3000 x 3000, 77KB
WSC file: Download
Tags: ssr, rubberworm, indimask, sheepglitch, teststuff
7.00 (3)
9.25 (4)
7.00 (1)
Description:9.25 (4)
7.00 (1)
Video demonstration:
Scheme requirements:
- Wormkit with Rubberworm and Indimask modules
- Teleport your worm to the start platform of your respective segment
- Select bungee and walk into the narrow tube
- Press space to fall off bungee
- Tap enter as fast as you can to release your herd of suicidal sheep (You should stop tapping enter before your worm stops bouncing, or else your worm will jump and start bouncing undesirably.)
- Press space to launch your sheep and blast your way through the map
- Use rope or teleport back to start platform
The player who destroys the target wins.
Scheme details:
- rubber(78%), sdet, ldet, fdpt, version(65) (/ts3)
- 40s turn limit
Map details:
- 64 colours
- Fruit
Added on: 3rd March 2011, 19:40
Downloads: 1101
Comments: 16 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 5 users.
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Original. (complain/suggest)