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Lost Ruins by ViolatoR

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Type: Rope Race
Size: 7000 x 5000, 1347KB
Tags: lost vikings, violator, sprites, video game, ninte

A Lost Vikings styled Rope Race. I made this about a year ago for my own amusement, now it's here. Ah, the circle of life. There's a bunch of different parts in the map, so it should mix up the race a bit. You may recognize the tall climb which Scarface borrowed for one of his maps: (#16140). In the style of Scarface, there's a swoosh on this map (upper-left), which can be a tad difficult to get on your first try.
The start is located in the center, where the screen is focused when the game loads. I can't tell you how much I hate humanity when I load this map up and people fly to the lower left corner looking for the start when there's huge red letters which spell out START in the center of the map. There's a start tube - use it. (Not from mid-way down trapping you on another players head, either.)
There's a couple places where it's possible to shortcut the map a tiny bit. If you see someone doing this, forgive them and their apparently severe mental retardation. It's quite obvious where you're supposed to go - go there. If you shortcut the map - kill yourself.
There are no plops. So, one worm each. I guess you can plop yourself at the roof parts if you try really hard. If you do plop, you kinda deserve it.
This map can take a while to load for some, so keep that in mind for slow connections. I recommend no more than 4 players.
In what ways do you suck - this has nothing to do with the map, but everything to do with entertaining myself:
If you make generic, derivative wxw maps with tired layouts jazzed up with textures - kill yourself.
If you remix other people's shopper maps, or make them "in the style of" - severely wound yourself, and think about finishing the job.
If your maps feature a hideous conglomeration of images from the web, offending my eyes with your poor taste in animated television, movies, or pr0n, and offer little-to-no-hides and poorly laid out areas on the map - kill yourself.
(If you need more examples, please don't hesitate to ask.)
If you make generic, derivative wxw maps with tired layouts jazzed up with textures - kill yourself.
If you remix other people's shopper maps, or make them "in the style of" - severely wound yourself, and think about finishing the job.
If your maps feature a hideous conglomeration of images from the web, offending my eyes with your poor taste in animated television, movies, or pr0n, and offer little-to-no-hides and poorly laid out areas on the map - kill yourself.
(If you need more examples, please don't hesitate to ask.)
Added on: 12th June 2011, 08:40
Downloads: 1168
Comments: 6 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Themed, Sprites. (complain/suggest)