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Super Metroid Upper Norfair by xNigHtmArEx
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Type: Shopper
Size: 1920 x 696, 114KB
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Description:5.00 (1)
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soooo ive decided to try my hand at another metroid map after switchin it up a bit and this is what i came up with.
I attempted to make it a bit more open to navigate with the rope easier. at the same time i wanted to make the gameplay
a bit more interesting by adding quite a few plops, and an open roof to kind of "force" people to hide higher, but make
it just as risky hideing to high. hope yall enjoy it and lemme know what ya think.
For the record id like to state that this, and my other maps were all captured, cropped and edited by me using photoshop and ms paint. no sprite editors or such programs were used.
TIP: best when played with black background.
TIP: worms can be rope knocked up just about every small incline you see. (Example: the lava hands forming a plop)
Added on: 13th June 2011, 20:21
Downloads: 282
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)