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Abyss tower by xDNCxGhost64x

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Type: Tower Race
Size: 4000 x 11000, 1814KB
WSC file:


New tower, easier than ultimate towers serie.
You can play it in noob mode with safe middle hole, or put 1% of water to play it with ploppy middle hole. (with HB, type !water 1 )
Like usaly, no batty, neither testuff, neither chutetrick...
Play time: about 10mn / player.
Njoy all !
p.s. edit: new version with stairs to help noobs in the big climb some players don't manage to do ^^
Added on: 14th July 2011, 10:10
Downloads: 2128
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Sprites. (complain/suggest)