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Jump Race 1 by Meta

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Type: Jump Race
Size: 5984 x 3840, 922KB
Tags: Project X, Jump, Race, Jump Race, Metacooler

First Jump map. Sandbox type manufacture, not much thought went into it, just a way to experiment with jumping when it was first scripted. Good beginner's map. There's one major exploit, where you can skip most of the map using the Suck To Be You island. I decided to leave it in for occasions where a player might fall from the top of the map and land on an island at the bottom (we laughed hard the first time this happened.) Obviously no one should use it from the start. Any other shortcut you find is supposed to be there.
If you find any bugs playing Jump, come visit us to get it fixed:
Added on: 20th August 2011, 20:07
Downloads: 207
Comments: 5 (read/write)
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Original. (complain/suggest)