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Jump 2 REMIX V.2 (64 colores) by Skum, Meta

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Type: Jump Race
Size: 8000 x 8000, 3439KB
Tags: Project X, Jump Race, Jump, Race, Metacooler, lame

People are too lazy to make PX JUMP RACE maps, and there are only 2 maps from Meta. I like jump races, But this1 map i played only 1 time, becauze u need to wait 10-15 minutes to upload the map from other player. Here is 64 colors remix with size only 4 mb, and with invisible to the naked eye reduct of colores.
REMIX #2 with deleted short cuts, and with no bad pixels. Also with auto spawn point.
Original map: #18405
Added on: 1st September 2011, 07:38
Downloads: 197
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Remix. (complain/suggest)