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Carpe w3w. Updated by Impossible
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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 1920 x 696, 38KB
Tags: carpe, nlf, w3w, remake, impo, imp00
5.50 (4)
5.50 (4)
4.67 (3)
Description:5.50 (4)
4.67 (3)
It is dedicated to nlFellas.
Drawed Pix by fuckin pix.
Drawed Pix by fuckin pix.
Testers: Sir-J (played on map in 1st day), Scrambled (played on map in 2nd day), BaZa (played some hours, give ideas), Rodent (played 1 minute 24 second).
Last Update: Fixed few pixels, and text.
Spend Days: 7 days (1 week)
Hours per Day: 4 hours (2-7 hours)
Overall time: 25 hours (1 day 1 hour)
Programs used: MS Paint (all graphic), Photoshop C3 (colors remap)
Colors: 24 colors
Status: Fucking bored of drawing it aasdasgwhe3g#@3r4555u
Features: Good Pixel Art Graphics, Original, Elaborate, Sprites, Themed. (complain/suggest)
Worth: 42 EXP
Added on: 23rd September 2011, 14:47
Downloads: 3194
Comments: 15 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 7 users.
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Remix, Good graphics. (complain/suggest)