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Astral Militia Episode III- The Stream Of Subliminal Visuals Metropolis(Renovated)Extended Edition by Asteroid-Rain

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Type: Rope Race
Size: 26112 x 3584, 3921KB
Tags: metallic, factory, future, remake, next-gen

At light-speed
A sense of rush
Is what you need
The rope around you
Resound what's blown you
Basically (skeletal structure remains identical, as apparent)
Episode 1, although total diagenesis, both Refurbished and refurnished edition.
Made with :Custom Layout Builder/applied elements: sprites, objects from 2-dimensional games/etc., arranged and converted by the assistance of PS CS5 and MS Paint.
Rope your way through the perplexing glimpses of a daydream where thoughts race and never cease to exist, the subliminal and the consciousness keeps on streaming, and visuals burst forth in various themes, swing back and forth, up and down in this enchanted maze of sinuous corridors, avoid obstacles that fantasy created in this Neo-Metropolitan next-gen environment. The third chapter in the series.
Caution: Extraordinarily large size might cause durable screen lag and dysfunction at first for computers with relatively lower performance.
Duration: Solo: At least the double of Ep. 1, 20 Minutes (estimation, convenient roping, without scheme tweaks, screen lags and time losses:)
Duration: 9 Minutes: Solo- EXTREME VELOCITY
W:A Nick Name: xĐemöníCxFaW
Added on: 11th November 2011, 17:23
Downloads: 1290
Comments: 8 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Remix, Sprites. (complain/suggest)