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SaveThePrincess!! by stringking

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Type: Rope Race
Size: 6400 x 6144, 362KB

Tags: big rr


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This map has taken me the longest to complete out of all my maps, and frankly I am tired of looking at it.
It has a ton of little shortcuts (each depicted by a red question mark box) but some are dangerous!

Total # of layers if unmerged: ~3,214

I actually made the pattern out for the 'ground' you see from a sprite, but this turned out to be a retarded thing to do,
because then I had to make a pattern for the vertical part too, and THEN go and add inside/outside corner sprites to make it look seamless.

I think I broke my Ctrl, C, V, and Del keys making this map.

At the end is a teaser entrance to a follow-up map I might make.
If anyone else wants to make a Bowser's Tower o' Death map then I will gladly put the wmdb# at the end of this one.


I don't want to mess with another sprite again in my life.

Thanks to VIIPER for the sprites

Added on: 12th December 2011, 22:11
Downloads: 2726

Comments: 31 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 4 users.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Elaborate, Themed, Sprites. (complain/suggest)

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