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Iron Green Skin (But Not Chuck's) by Skum
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Type: Rope Race
Size: 6000 x 11208, 5645KB
Tags: D(RR)sf I
Ridiculous madness.
Map was made with using 1 hexagonal brush. Looks a lil unropable, but its false. Texture made in 36 min. The TROLOLO things (worms, and other spites) in 1-2 hour(!), texts in 1.5 hour, the Whole map In over 5 hours. (didn't count)
Here is a lil instruction how did i do this map: Detailed instructions
112 colors ; dont use background.
Enjoy, have fun, bla bla bla.
Added on: 19th January 2012, 11:36
Downloads: 1151
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Sprites. (complain/suggest)