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Pac-Pac-Land Girder Battle Race V2 by DonMega

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Type: Battle Race
Size: 1920 x 696, 176KB
WSC file:

Tags: don mega, girder, parachute, race, strategy

Welcome to the violent land of pac-men where even brains are feasted upon! This standard size map makes for faster more aggressive gameplay. It has some battle race style jumping possibilities and carefully influenced mine locations!
In Girder Battle Race (previously known as Girder Race) players reach for the finish using girders, jumping skills, weapons, land mines and any means necessary to slow down your opponents, or if opportunity bestows itself simply get rid of them! What sets Girder Race apart from any other racing schemes is that it's not only about beating the map but you must truly outsmart and outskill your opponents. Cunning tactics and pure evilness is highly encouraged by the scheme. It's best played with 3-4 players.
Game example:
Map Info:
- Photoshop CS2
- Manually chosen 96 colors to optimum
- PNGGauntlet compressed
- 2-4 players (3 works best)
- 2 worms per team
- Teleport at start
- Stand on "F" to win (if you destroy all of it you lose)
- No girder blocking completely
- No skipwalking
Modified weapons:
- Shotgun = power 256 (harmless to worms.)
- Minigun = power 256 (harmless to worms. 100% accurate.)
- Blow Torch = power 256 (harmless to worms.)
- Petrol Bomb = power 256 (only 1 flame. pushes worm and does 1 damage. doesn't explode crates.)
- Girder & Girder Pack = power 256 (no reach limitation.)
(Prod and Handgun works normally.)
Your feedback is more than welcome ;)
Added on: 14th February 2012, 20:05
Downloads: 970
Comments: 6 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Themed. (complain/suggest)