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Freedom Tower by flyman

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Type: Tower Race
Size: 4800 x 20000, 695KB

Tags: Freedom, Tower, FLYman



After being sick all weekend I spent most of it creating and editing this tower map. It's my first attempt but I think it came out quite nice. Since I have now entered the Digital Design field in college I think I made much better progress than I have on other maps when I was much younger ;)

I used Helvetica LTD typeface, I tried to keep the colors & texture very simple, like a "brudi style simple."

From trying it out my self and testing it with other players... I've learned it's quite fun but can be annoying because there are some hard parts that don't have to be hard if players take them carfully.

Added on: 27th February 2012, 02:07
Downloads: 1834

Comments: 4 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)

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