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E.T. wRw by tuomatz, eNfOrCeR

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Type: Roper
Size: 1920 x 696, 163KB

Tags: WxW, roper, original


 7.33 (3)
 8.00 (3)
 7.00 (1)


Never seen before, never heard before, never played before.
What kind of map has never been done before? -You guessed it right!

Are you a wormer who loves roper and WxW just like us? You have found the jewell you have been looking for.
A map of choices, a map of possibilities.

We are proud to introduce to you fellow-wormers a map where impossible is made possible.
Roper and WxW in the same map.

How it works?

Just pick a scheme you want to play; roper or WxW, and the map takes care of the rest.
As easy as stealing a zooka from a worm, eh?


eNfOrCeR`` - The overpowered map-maker and The master of design
tuomatz - The head of totally insane ideas

+ All the sK mates!

Cya at Ag!

Added on: 7th March 2012, 19:45
Downloads: 476

Comments: 12 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Original. (complain/suggest)