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Sand Zone by Fluttershy

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Type: Battle Race
Size: 3720 x 2080, 107KB
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I made a lot of changes to this map and tested it more thoroughly and found that a lot of people found it too difficult. I made some changes and created a scheme that fits better than the default one for this particular map.
Grenades are limited, though you can still get them in crates. You get one freeze, and some teleports.
The rules are the same as any battle race, with an additional rule: you may teleport to any teleporter on the map so long as the two following conditions are met:
1. You must currently be inside of a teleporter.
2. The teleporter you are teleporting to must be before or at the point of the farthest you've been in the map.
This adds some interesting gameplay, and, as you have a limited amount of teleports, you should try and conserve them.
Please note that this is still a long map. If you don't have enough patience to play through it all, quit early on as to not disrupt other's gameplay.
A special thanks goes to Inventor for helping me test the map out.
Added on: 14th April 2012, 17:27
Downloads: 447
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Themed, Sprites. (complain/suggest)