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Need For Fly w5w (v2.0) by Skum

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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 1920 x 696, 25KB

Tags: trick, ricky, tricks, trickz, trickas, (WXW)sf III


 9.00 (3)
 9.00 (3)
 8.00 (2)

Regular, open wxw map with good lookin, with many different highly calculated possibilities of tricks and many hides.
The most epic tricks are shown with numbers on map. (read the table on the map). The map recomended for real gangstas.
The map is good for warma too.
If you have any suggestions, complains or other things to correct, please, write it in comments, will fix...
Inspirid by #20320
Thanks to SiD for test.

Update 2.0:
Edited the structure of the map. now to perform a beautiful, hard tricks much easier.
Added an elevator at the left part. It can be yousful if you already ended your turn of the floor, but still have retreat time/// After climb (it tooks 4 sec) you can park yourself in any of 3 hides there. This thing is funny! xD
Some more pix ornaments. You might think "crap, there are too much space at the right side for bad spawning!". You can don't worry about it. (but it spawns crates, only if you use cratelimit >50.)
• Totally +5695 bytes map size. :p
...Everything i made here were tasted over 19 times...

Added on: 2nd May 2012, 19:18
Downloads: 2342

Comments: 3 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 4 users.

Worth: 7 EXP

Features: Elaborate, Good graphics. (complain/suggest)