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Pro Basketball by kClown

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Size: 1920 x 696, 74KB
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This is a variation of worms basketball that should make it a little bit more fun... Pro basketball if you will...
if you dont know how to play worms basketball you can find all the info you will ever need about the original scheme right here::
the scheme I uploaded here is exactly the same as the scheme at
the only differences in rules here:
you must do tricks into the basket to score points.
you dont score points if you do the same trick twice in a row.
you can take multiple shots if fall damage doesnt ruin your life. (you can only score points once per turn still.)
Its all written on the map but... who knows... you might have trouble reading the text on the map or something...
+ cant wait to get the sprites tag and crap graffux tags for this map! :D
Added on: 7th May 2012, 04:51
Downloads: 153
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Worth: 2 EXP
Features: Not-so-good graphics. (complain/suggest)