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Da Himalayas by Skum, Some unknown Pr0 photographer

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Type: Mole Shopper
Size: 1920 x 1080, 592KB
Tags: Big map, Awesome map, Stolen image, mole sux, lame

Some time ago i've found a very awesome photo of Himalayas, which was made with 2 Gigapixels(!!!) photo camera (which must be cost over 90'000$)
(straight link doesn't work somehow O_o So just use ctrlC, ctrlV)
So i thought "damn, this is awesome, this map will be a big asskick for maverick, i need to upload this at WMDB! So, i photoshoped it a bit and did it....
This is probably the best fucking looking mole map ever stolen.
64 colours version (this one): 64 colours, "dungeon" or smth background (grey lines). A bit of graphically lame, but almost invisible places. ~600kb
113 colours version: If you want completely perfect looking map, you can dl this 113 colours version (no background, no whiteness, no sky, no shit. Holes are already included, cuz if the map has 96+ colurs, you can't add them in WA map editor :[ ). ~660kb
Link: (right mouse click -> save as ...)
And just to make sure that everything works purely, click on this fat text.
Added on: 23rd December 2012, 13:27
Downloads: 1997
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)