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wRRw by saifron

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Size: 7312 x 5000, 224KB

This map/scheme is a mix of wxw and rr.
Rules are pretty simple.
1. WBA
2. It is up to you to attack or use a remaining plus retreat time (13 sec) to try to finish the next wxw
3. Upon completion of wxw, you can go down as many wxw's as you want to attack, but you can go only 1 wxw (the following one) when going up (no skipping)
4. If you fall, got dropped down, you would have to repeat that wxw you're standing on all over again
5. You CAN drop the worm down from the finish if it's not violating the rule 3
Scheme 2974.
If you have any better ideas let me know.
Added on: 29th January 2013, 05:14
Downloads: 105
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)