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Twilight Twin by hurz, Komito

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Type: Darts
Size: 2560 x 1160, 291KB
WSC file:

Tags: darts, drillfly

i only upload the map here, i havent done anything to it.
may the darts be with you.
Rules & Gameplay:
Always use racingstuff, or else the worms won't all be able to land in same spots on the targets.
1v1 - 8 worms each
2v2 - 4 worms each
Teleport worms to start platform (down left of tree).
Activate low gravity by selecting it from the weapons menu or by pressing ` (or ^).
Select rope by selecting it from the weapons menu or pressing F8.
Attach rope to the kids head to the left of the START platform, select drill while keeping the rope attached by selecting it from the weapons menu or pressing F7.
Use the arrow keys to maneuvre the rope and build momentum, then release the worm BY PRESSING ENTER!!! Bounce off some part of the kid and fly towards the target with drill.
Write your added up score in the gamechat after each move, typing "/me + your score" (/me 10 e.g.) so that opponents can see how much you got and dont have to count your points by themselves.
If theres no draw the match is over when all worms are thrown once, no matter if they reached target or not.
Go only back to start platform in case of a draw. Then its sudden death, each player throws 1 more worm after roping back to start. Who scores higher with that throw, wins.
To the victor, the spoils!
Added on: 8th March 2013, 02:05
Downloads: 98
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Worth: 2 EXP
Features: Not-so-good graphics. (complain/suggest)