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The Hands of the Moomin by RAiD

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Type: Battle Race
Size: 1920 x 696, 97KB
Tags: battlerace, moomin, sonic, egghead, sprites, hard

Help! Moomintroll's gone turbo and ended up losing his hands to the evil prince Sonic of evilness in the foreign land of the hedgehogs!
Out with the crap. The first map shall be a challenge. Yeah, it's hard. Took me a while to finish (fanatically working 2-3 days almost nonstop on it), and luckily, I'm quite happy with the result.
There's not much to be said. The map's not really even that long, since I prefered eyecandy over fill-every-single-spot-with-jumps... Don't be fooled. It can still take you a good portion of time to finish ^^
I should maybe add credits for the sprites here...
Well I won't list all of the people involved, instead I'll link you guys to the page where I got them! yeah!
Seriously you map makers out there, go check it out. The database's huge.
What the hell is a moomin?
Added on: 3rd April 2013, 21:03
Downloads: 394
Comments: 11 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.
Worth: 2 EXP
Features: Unimaginative, Themed, Sprites. (complain/suggest)