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PokeGolf - Good or Bad Idea? by X920MikeyB

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Type: Mole Shopper
Size: 1920 x 696, 157KB

Tags: x920 golf pokemon poke mole


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PokeGolf or another "Golf" map? - Good or Bad Idea ?

A quick preview of an "Ash Ketchum" worm :) and my new PokeGolf - Gotta Pot em All logo! It's one of many custom drawn sprites I can create for a "Pokemon" themed Golf Map. However, before I spend hours upon hours creating a new golf map, I want to know if the demand for it is still there :)

So what I need from you guys and gals!

1) Do you guys and gals want another GOLF map from me? In the same style as my other maps (primarily the Xmas Golf map). However with a lot more detail and custom graphics :)

2) Do you want it in the theme of Pokemon?! :D I'm thinking of recreating a lot of characters from there. For each hole will be a "Gym". For example hole 1 will consist of a theme for Brock and his Gym (Yeah, based on season one!) Hole 2 will consist of Misty and her Gym! and so forth! For all 8 Gyms! Each with their very own unique, interesting a custom hole designs :)

If you don't want it pokemon themed... Then have you got any other ideas for a different theme? :)

So that's it folks! Let me know what you think and if you guys and gals really want another Golf Map! I'll spend the time sculpting it! Line by line :)

- Map is also playable as a Mole Shopper :) Felt pointless just "uploading" it as other and not having a use for it. At least this way, you can even play and spread the word!!!



Added on: 14th April 2013, 17:23
Downloads: 10177

Comments: 22 (read/write)

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)