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Liquid Tiled RR #2 by Skum
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Type: Rope Race
Size: 12080 x 5880, 3380KB
Tags: LCD, D(RR)sf II
7.40 (6)
6.60 (6)
7.00 (4)
Description:6.60 (6)
7.00 (4)
Rather weird rr map i made in 4.4 hours in the style "black on white"
Try to find a hidden trollface
No arrows :( , have fun
This map is kinda anallogy to this #23204, tho it's a bit bigger, longer, beveler, purpler. Some people say it's better than map#1, some people say it's worse than map#1, some people say "idontgiveafuck" to both of these maps.
Original purple version: balblabla.png
Liquid Tiled RR #1: #23204
Added on: 28th July 2013, 20:21
Downloads: 1175
Comments: 14 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)